czwartek, lipca 07, 2005

Europe has its Foundation for Quality in e-Learning

After an intense aggregation and consensus building phase, the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL), supported by the European Commission and by CEDEFOP, the European Agency for the Development of Vocational Training, has been legally established on June, 30th, 2005 in Brussels, gathering some of the most relevant European actors in the field of eLearning. Its headquarter will be established in the CEDEFOP office in Brussels, but other offices at national level are expected to be established.

The Foundation undertakes activities to: contribute to the quality of e-learning in Europe and provides leadership in this field; promote the European diversity of quality approaches and services in the field of learning, education and training; broaden the discussion and discourse on eLearning quality; provide a single entry point for eLearning quality.

More information: