poniedziałek, lutego 10, 2014

MOOCs: More Data, More Answers, More Questions

To a certain extent, the unstated storyline associated with the two most famous MOOC statistics (100,000+ plus enrollments and 95 percent drop-out rates) never made much sense. The implication (certainly by MOOC boosters) was that so many people hitting the enroll button on Udacity's, Coursera's or edX's website translated to tens of thousands of students ready to do college-level work in an online course, regardless of the challenges inherent in teaching and learning at a massive scale. And the fact that only one in 20 actually went the distance to earn a certificate meant (at least for MOOC critics) that for every 100 students who signed up for a MOOC, 95 didn't like what they saw and bagged out.
