Confronting September 11
The tragic events of September 11th, 2001 introduced new conversations into our classrooms and in our society. Five years later, the tragic events of 9/11 continue to challenge our notions of identity and religion. Learn how to address these difficult issues in your classroom.
- Facing History and Ourselves
- CNN: 9/11 changes focus for Class of '07
- Education World: NYC Teachers Recall 9/11
- The Independent: 9/11 - A bloody legacy
- CNN: Educators divided over what to learn from 9/11
- Education World: Teaching About 9/11: K-12 Activities and Resources
- Serwis o zamachu na WTC i wojnie z terroryzmem w portalu
- Wikipedia: Zamach na World Trade Center i Pentagon
- Facing History and Ourselves
- CNN: 9/11 changes focus for Class of '07
- Education World: NYC Teachers Recall 9/11
- The Independent: 9/11 - A bloody legacy
- CNN: Educators divided over what to learn from 9/11
- Education World: Teaching About 9/11: K-12 Activities and Resources
- Serwis o zamachu na WTC i wojnie z terroryzmem w portalu
- Wikipedia: Zamach na World Trade Center i Pentagon
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