sobota, grudnia 31, 2005
We all have heard about how Indian tutors are using ICT to teach school students across the globe. Online tutoring is not just posting study material on the internet but breathing life into it. Universities and institutions across the globe use various learning management systems (LMS) such as BlackBoard for interaction between off-campus students and campus-based faculty members. Threaded discussions and bulleting boards have now been supplemented with Webinars and video conferencing...
piątek, grudnia 30, 2005
An Encyclopedia of the New and Promising
What’s new and cutting edge in e-learning? Who’s creating new forums for sharing knowledge, who’s offering up innovative ideas, and what are those ideas? What content development approahces and innovations are the most promising from a long-term perspective?
To answer these questions – and many others – Gary Woodill has compiled a 236-page report that tackles 50 of the most promising ideas, innovations, and content formats in the field of e-learning.
To answer these questions – and many others – Gary Woodill has compiled a 236-page report that tackles 50 of the most promising ideas, innovations, and content formats in the field of e-learning.
czwartek, grudnia 29, 2005
Cypr ma najlepszy program badawczy ICT w nowych Państwach Członkowskich UE
Autorzy raportu na temat programów badawczych związanych z technologiami informacyjno-komunikacyjnymi (ICT) w nowych Państwach Członkowskich UE oraz w krajach kandydujących przyznali najwyższą ocenę programowi realizowanemu przez Cypr.
Raport powstał jako część projektu ALIPRO, finansowanego z budżetu priorytetu "technologie społeczeństwa informacyjnego" (IST) 6. Programu Ramowego. W pracach ALIPRO uczestniczyło 14 organizacji - po jednej z każdego nowego Państwa Członkowskiego i kraju kandydującego oraz jedna z Niemiec. Partnerzy projektu wspólnie przeprowadzili analizę porównawczą 32 programów badawczych z tych krajów. Więcej...
Raport powstał jako część projektu ALIPRO, finansowanego z budżetu priorytetu "technologie społeczeństwa informacyjnego" (IST) 6. Programu Ramowego. W pracach ALIPRO uczestniczyło 14 organizacji - po jednej z każdego nowego Państwa Członkowskiego i kraju kandydującego oraz jedna z Niemiec. Partnerzy projektu wspólnie przeprowadzili analizę porównawczą 32 programów badawczych z tych krajów. Więcej...
środa, grudnia 28, 2005
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Digital Libraries and eScience
There is an increasing number of initiatives in several countries targeted at supporting research into new forms of computational infrastructure intended to transform the conduct of scientific research in areas such as chemistry, atmospheric science, and earth science. These initiatives, which go under a variety of names including eScience, eResearch, and cyberinfrastructure, are a response to the changing nature of scientific research, particularly in the natural and physical sciences, which is increasingly dependent upon large data sets and high-end analysis and visualization tools. eScience approaches and techniques are also beginning to appear in other disciplines such as the humanities and social sciences. Research issues being addressed in these initiatives include information retrieval, information modeling, ontologies, systems interoperability, and policy issues associated with providing transparent access to complex data sets. As such, these initiatives are concerned with many of the same research issues that the international digital library community has been grappling with for the past decade. The purpose of this special issue is to critically examine the role that digital libraries can and should play in this emerging eScience computational infrastructure. Bringing the digital library and the emerging scientific infrastructure worlds together can lay the foundation for providing truly integrated support for the entire process of science, from formulation of research questions to the publication of the outcomes.
wtorek, grudnia 27, 2005
In Search of Good Practice: The European Good Practice Guide on Quality in E-Learning
Where in Europe are the best implementations of quality systems for E-Learning? The Project Team Quality within the CEN/ISSS Workshop "Learning Technologies" tries to answer this question and provide guidance for quality responsibles within Europe. EFQUEL and CEN/ISSS work closely together in the field of Quality Standards bringing together expert groups and promoting the quality debate. Within the next few months, the team will identify the best implementations in different fields and document those in the "Good Practice Guide". More...
poniedziałek, grudnia 26, 2005
Grant to create virtual school
Tennessee is one of nine states targeted in a new $20 million virtual learning initiative launched by the BellSouth Foundation.
The five-year program will support the creation of a virtual school to offer online classes statewide, as well as foster intense technology development in at least one disadvantaged community.
The announcement coincided with Tennessee’s recent $3.4 million investment in the development of online K-12 classes through the state’s e4TN program.
The five-year program will support the creation of a virtual school to offer online classes statewide, as well as foster intense technology development in at least one disadvantaged community.
The announcement coincided with Tennessee’s recent $3.4 million investment in the development of online K-12 classes through the state’s e4TN program.
niedziela, grudnia 25, 2005
Understanding Grid semantics for virtual collaboration
An EU project hopes to realise the ultimate potential of Grid computing by creating a network that is intelligently aware of its components and of the domain it addresses, enabling quick and easy virtual collaboration. More...
sobota, grudnia 24, 2005
Award-Winning Custom Content 2005
Brandol Hall presents: Description and Videos of 28 Online Courses from the Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards.
The purpose of this report is to share examples of winning entries from the Custom Content category of the 2005 Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards.
Part I of this report will describe in detail the methodology surrounding the 2005 awards program. Included in the methodology are listings of the judging criteria for each category.
Part II provides profiles of 30 entries to the Custom Content category. Each profile includes a screen capture of the course. In addition, 25 profiles include a link to view a video recording of the course (five entrants did not provide a video recording). Also included is a description of each course featuring information about the tools and technology that were used in its development, as well information about
the development team and their development process. Each profile also includes a sampling of the judges’ comments for the entry.
Part III of this report provides a list of all the winning entries in the 2005 Excellence in Learning Awards as well as contact information for the entrants.
The purpose of this report is to share examples of winning entries from the Custom Content category of the 2005 Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards.
Part I of this report will describe in detail the methodology surrounding the 2005 awards program. Included in the methodology are listings of the judging criteria for each category.
Part II provides profiles of 30 entries to the Custom Content category. Each profile includes a screen capture of the course. In addition, 25 profiles include a link to view a video recording of the course (five entrants did not provide a video recording). Also included is a description of each course featuring information about the tools and technology that were used in its development, as well information about
the development team and their development process. Each profile also includes a sampling of the judges’ comments for the entry.
Part III of this report provides a list of all the winning entries in the 2005 Excellence in Learning Awards as well as contact information for the entrants.
piątek, grudnia 23, 2005
Polacy stworzyli pierwsze Wirtualne Laboratorium
Poznańscy informatycy stworzyli pierwsze na świecie Wirtualne Laboratorium. Dzięki niemu naukowcy będą mogli wykonywać skomplikowane eksperymenty na specjalistycznym sprzęcie bez wychodzenia z domu, przez internet.
Przypuśćmy, że doktorant z Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie jest bliski sensacyjnego naukowego odkrycia z dziedziny chemii i musi jedynie potwierdzić swoje przypuszczenia eksperymentem na...
Przypuśćmy, że doktorant z Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie jest bliski sensacyjnego naukowego odkrycia z dziedziny chemii i musi jedynie potwierdzić swoje przypuszczenia eksperymentem na...
czwartek, grudnia 22, 2005
Online teaching utilizes gaming technology
When professor Moha Tabrizi tried on his new sensory suit in East Carolina University's technology innovation lab, he wasn't looking to create a movie or video game for Nintendo or Xbox, although the technology is similar.
Instead, the ECU professor of computer science was tracking his motions to create a virtual version of himself for an online class that will debut on a pilot basis for the spring 2006 semester...
Instead, the ECU professor of computer science was tracking his motions to create a virtual version of himself for an online class that will debut on a pilot basis for the spring 2006 semester...
środa, grudnia 21, 2005
Nowy numer Gazety IT!
A w nim w dziale „Edukacja” artykuł Media w multimediach: encyklopedii multimedialnych przez uczących się. Równie ciekawe artykuły zawiera dział „Internet”: Wyszukiwanie informacji w oparciu o katalogi internetowe bibliotek oraz Internet a rozwój intelektualny. Zachęcam do lektury.
wtorek, grudnia 20, 2005
Can asynchronous online discussions be designed to produce meaningful learning?
This paper offers some specific advice as to how asynchronous online discussion tasks can be designed so as to produce meaningful learning. Following Shuell, it shows how certain cognitive characteristics of meaningful learning- active, cumulative, goal-oriented, constructive and self-regulated- can be designed into situated online authentic discussion tasks. More...
poniedziałek, grudnia 19, 2005
Wikipedia jednak wiarygodna
Bezpłatna internetowa encyklopedia Wikipedia jest pod względem dokładności i prawdziwości swych haseł porównywalna z prestiżową tradycyjną Encyclopaedia Britannica - wynika z badań opublikowanych w tygodniku "Nature". Więcej...
niedziela, grudnia 18, 2005
Kto ma problem z internetem?
Otwartość na innowacje nie jest mocną stroną wielu firm. Nawet gdy nowatorski pomysł się przebije i dojdzie do jego realizacji, często postrzegany jest jak kula u nogi tradycyjnie działającej firmy. Bywa, że z czasem projekt zaczyna przynosić zyski. Bywa i tak, choć wciąż rzadko w Polsce, że internetowa gałąź, w którą mało kto wierzył, rośnie nieporównywalnie szybciej niż stary konar. Czy strategia firmy wywraca się wówczas do góry nogami? Czy innowatorzy przejmują władzę? A może tradycjonaliści trzęsą gałęzią, by stącić z niej innowatorów i przywłaszczyć sobie niespodziewany sukces? O ścieraniu się innowatorów z tradycjonalistami opowiadają nam Jerzy Szyfter, redaktor naczelny Gazety Prawnej w internecie, Tomasz Wróblewski, redaktor naczelny Newsweek oraz Sławomir Lachowski, prezes BRE Banku, twórca mBanku.
sobota, grudnia 17, 2005
New era in e-learning (MBA programs)
What do you consider the most significant developments in MBA/management education and the international business school market as a whole this year?
New era in e-learning and growing demand for distance-learning, especially in Executive MBA programs...
New era in e-learning and growing demand for distance-learning, especially in Executive MBA programs...
piątek, grudnia 16, 2005
Information Mapping Launches e-Learning Program to Teach E-mail Writing Skills
Information Mapping, Inc. (IMI), the leading provider of Information Life Cycle Solutions, announced the availability of Making E-mail Work!, a new self-paced e-learning program that introduces e-mail users to the essential concepts of writing effective e-mails. IMI developed the program to help organizations address the growing productivity and performance problems caused by poorly written email communications.
czwartek, grudnia 15, 2005
Blackboard Day
W dniu 15 grudnia 2005 r., po raz pierwszy w Polsce, odbędzie się tzw. Blackboard Day, rozumiany jako spotkanie zarówno przedstawicieli środowiska akademickiego zainteresowanego rozwojem e-nauczania, jak i firm komputerowych zapewniających potrzebną do tego celu infrastrukturę (serwery, software). W spotkaniu udział wezmą Harry Tubben (Blackboard International, Regional Manager Central Europe), Shari Hofer (Blackboard International, EMEA Outreach Manager) oraz Manuel Jaffrin (Sun Microsystems, EMEA Business Development Manager).
środa, grudnia 14, 2005
The Value Of An Online Degree
Online degrees are one of the fastest growing trends in higher education, but can you land a good job with a diploma from a virtual school?
Audrey Lawrence is getting a degree online. She says, "It's a great alternative and it's the only alternative for me." With a full-time job, Audrey had trouble getting to classes at a traditional campus. Online, she can set her own schedule. "As long as you log on before midnight, you're okay for attendance for that day". Audrey is one of 300,000 students earning an education completely online...
Audrey Lawrence is getting a degree online. She says, "It's a great alternative and it's the only alternative for me." With a full-time job, Audrey had trouble getting to classes at a traditional campus. Online, she can set her own schedule. "As long as you log on before midnight, you're okay for attendance for that day". Audrey is one of 300,000 students earning an education completely online...
wtorek, grudnia 13, 2005
Wikipedia - encyklopedia obosieczna
Wikipedyści wiedzą, że społeczny ruch, którego celem jest tworzenie encyklopedii, to trudne do ogarnięcia zagadnienie. Czym innym jest jednak "wiedzieć", a czym innym doświadczać na własnej skórze problemów związanych z błędnymi wpisami. A właśnie ta tematyka stała się ostatnio wyjątkowo paląca: okazało się bowiem, że dziennikarzowi Johnowi Seigenthalerowi anonimowy edytor na łamach Wikipedii postawił zarzut udziału w zabójstwie Kennedy'ego. W związku z tym jako palący powrócił problem udostępnienia interfejsu edycyjnego każdemu zainteresowanemu. Jimmy Wales, współzałożyciel Wikipedii, twierdzi, że reguły tworzenia tekstów na pewno zostaną nieco zaostrzone - nie będzie możliwości, by anonimowy autor stworzył na własną rękę kolejny wpis...
poniedziałek, grudnia 12, 2005
ePortfolio New Zealand 2005
The ePortfolio is one of today’s key learning technologies offering the possibility to transform the way we approach personal development and lifelong learning. It should at the same time be a vital tool for achieving accessibility and social inclusion. An e-portfolio can be seen as a dynamic digital self, establishing links to personal database, which contains personal and professional achievements obtained in the course of work and learning formal, non-formal and informal. It provides an opportunity to reflect on one's own professional practice and to share the lessons learned with others. The portfolio can serve at the same time as a tool for learning, assessment, career management and knowledge management.
EIfEL is working to ensure that all European citizens will have an ePortfolio by 2010 and that ePortfolios will be started in nursery school and accompany the individual throughout his/her lifelong learning path.
The Conference (12/13 December 2005) aims to explore the promise of the ePortfolio, examine the worldwide ePortfolio movement and share current national practice and the opportunities for further development in New Zealand.
EIfEL is working to ensure that all European citizens will have an ePortfolio by 2010 and that ePortfolios will be started in nursery school and accompany the individual throughout his/her lifelong learning path.
The Conference (12/13 December 2005) aims to explore the promise of the ePortfolio, examine the worldwide ePortfolio movement and share current national practice and the opportunities for further development in New Zealand.
niedziela, grudnia 11, 2005
Nowy numer dwumiesięcznika e-mentor
Już 12 grudnia br. ukaże się nowym numer dwumiesięcznika e-mentor. Serdecznie zapraszamy do lektury!
sobota, grudnia 10, 2005
Supporting collaborative or cooperative learning in the online learning environment using structured role-play activities
Collaborative or cooperative learning, where groups or pairs of learners work together toward a shared academic goal, is common practice in classroom teaching environments. Proponents argue that both approaches, closely related, have the potential to deliver improved levels of student engagement, information acquisition and retention, higher-level thinking skills, interpersonal and communication skills, and self-confidence. More...
piątek, grudnia 09, 2005
Construction of E-Learning Environments in Korea
South Korea is striving to be at the cutting edge in the competitive global educational movement, through the build up of information infrastructure in many sectors of its society, and through the construction of e-learning environments where the appropriate information infrastructure will support teaching and learning. The ultimate goal of this mission is to foster creative human resources in a knowledge-based society.
czwartek, grudnia 08, 2005
III Warsztaty e-learningowe - "W świecie usług e-learningowych"
Instytut Maszyn Matematycznych w Warszawie organizuje 8 grudnia br. warsztaty, które będą poświęcone wymaganiom stawianym dostawcom e-kursów i usług e-learningowych, zaletom międzynarodowego portalu szkoleniowego, możliwościom nieodpłatnego kształcenia kadry e-learningowej dla MSP. Więcej...
środa, grudnia 07, 2005
Implementing Organic Education
New issue of "Innovate - Journal of Online Education". First article presents an idea of organic education. Hugh Osborn argues that a small group of the right educators and other leaders could start the evolution of education into an innovative, 21st century model for about the cost of developing a couple of textbooks. This is Osborn's ultimate goal - to spark a bottom-up, demand-driven transformation of our schools by using a new "organic" educational model that leverages technological and pedagogical innovation...
wtorek, grudnia 06, 2005
Science teacher touts blogging as educational
Blogs, or online journals, are linking people everywhere these days. They are even branching out into school.
Teacher Kelly Green has tapped into blogs as a teaching tool to help students in her seventh-grade science classes at Louis L. Redding Middle School become better readers and writers. She uses an online journal to allow students to share their experiments and discuss science-related topics.
Teacher Kelly Green has tapped into blogs as a teaching tool to help students in her seventh-grade science classes at Louis L. Redding Middle School become better readers and writers. She uses an online journal to allow students to share their experiments and discuss science-related topics.
poniedziałek, grudnia 05, 2005
3-G mobiles to help school learning
Recent research suggests that most children spend more time ‘gaming’ than doing homework. So what if gaming were homework or at least ‘out of class work’?
A European-funded project at Manchester Metropolitan University aims to show how games and mobile technologies can be combined to give new learning experiences for schoolchildren, particularly in their own time. The Project aims to support the design of games which teachers are willing to adopt for pedagogic purposes and to therefore contribute to new teaching methodologies through multimedia.
A European-funded project at Manchester Metropolitan University aims to show how games and mobile technologies can be combined to give new learning experiences for schoolchildren, particularly in their own time. The Project aims to support the design of games which teachers are willing to adopt for pedagogic purposes and to therefore contribute to new teaching methodologies through multimedia.
niedziela, grudnia 04, 2005
Pierwsza w Polsce baza o innowacjach
Pierwsza w Polsce komputerowa baza o innowacjach powstaje w Instytucie Maszyn Matematycznych w Warszawie. W styczniu 2006 roku zostanie umieszczona w internecie.
Baza zawierać będzie dane na temat kilkudziesięciu - na początek - innowacji pochodzących z regionu mazowieckiego. Baza o innowacjach jest częścią szerszego projektu promocji innowacyjnych rozwiązań realizowanego przez Mazowieckie Centrum Zarządzania Wiedzą o Innowacjach Technologicznych (Centrum IT). Więcej...
Baza zawierać będzie dane na temat kilkudziesięciu - na początek - innowacji pochodzących z regionu mazowieckiego. Baza o innowacjach jest częścią szerszego projektu promocji innowacyjnych rozwiązań realizowanego przez Mazowieckie Centrum Zarządzania Wiedzą o Innowacjach Technologicznych (Centrum IT). Więcej...
sobota, grudnia 03, 2005
Ruszyła Kujawsko-Pomorska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
Stworzenie zasobów cyfrowych w ramach trzech kolekcji: naukowo-dydaktycznej, dziedzictwa kulturowego i regionaliów - to główne cele działalności Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej, która została oficjalnie otwarta 2 grudnia w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej UMK. Więcej...
piątek, grudnia 02, 2005
Konferencja: Społeczne aspekty internetu
Konferencja, która odbędzie się na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim w dniach 2-3 grudnia br. ma posłużyć wymianie myśli i prezentacji wyników badań dotyczących społecznych aspektów internetu. Jej tematyka dotyczy zarówno zjawisk i procesów zachodzących w cyberprzestrzeni, jak i interakcji światów online i offline...